
Become a Beneficiary


Targeting the governorates of Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Ramallah (surrounding villages), Salfit and Bethlehem, GROW will directly benefit 3,495 women and female youth, as well as anticipated intermediaries reaching 30,788 individuals (women, female and male youth and men engaged in community awareness sessions, market actors, decision makers, and community members at national and local level).

Key Principles

GROW acknowledges that a key success factor will be the ability to operate within a portfolio of interventions that maximizes beneficiary diversity and inclusion. GROW takes into consideration the following key considerations when defining its “target beneficiaries”

Defining low-income and marginalization in a context specific way

GROW defines its target beneficiaries in a way that encompasses women and girls, who can realistically be impacted by GROW’s interventions, and that captures the complex nature of economic empowerment and prosperity, including increased income and improved agency (enhanced voice, choice and decision-making) in both economic and social spheres.

Considering the targeted value chains

The Project will focus specifically on olive by-products, sheep and goat dairy, and agro-food processing value chains, where significant potential exists to empower women, including female youth, to move beyond their essential, but largely unrecognized roles, ultimately contributing to their increased agency in both economic and social spheres

Adhering to the targeted value chain/sub-sectors

GROW targets beneficiaries working in goat and sheep dairy, agri-food processing and olive by-products value chains, or have new business idea related to these value chain and in the renewable energy sector.

Age consideration

GROW targets female youth (18-29 years old) and women (30 years and older).

Considering targeting vulnerable communities in the targeted governorates

GROW’s outreach approach will focus on the targeted governorates of Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Ramallah (surrounding villages), Salfit and Bethlehem. GROW’s beneficiary selection criteria and process will focus on targeting the most vulnerable communities in these governorates, to include Area C and the seam zone areas/close to the wall, residential marginalized areas and neighbourhoods within cities, Bedouin communities, refugee camps, rural and remote areas away from urban areas. The population in these communities often suffer from higher poverty and unemployment rates, violence, as well as lack of adequate services.

Targeting new and existing female entrepreneurs

To ensure the project is responsive to the often-changing dynamics of women and youth entrepreneurs, GROW will include new and existing female entrepreneurs. New entrepreneurs/MSMEs are women and female youth, who run their own businesses, either individually or with a group of women, within a family, or within a cooperative, or a civil society project since more than one year. Their products are seasonal and are limited to two products. Existing entrepreneurs/MSMEs on the other hand, have businesses that were established for more than one year, and produce more than two products, whether seasonal or all year long.

Vulnerability Criteria

GROW’s vulnerability selection criteria were based on national evidence from several studies, reports and cross-sectoral national strategies. GROW understands that locational, economic, socio-cultural and violence drivers of vulnerability as key areas influencing disadvantaged groups, including women and girls. Hence, the Project’s beneficiary selection process adheres to criteria based on place of residence, socio-economic status (social marital status, income, employment, education, disability, health, survival of gender-based violence, etc.) and household characteristics.

Business Criteria

GROW’s beneficiary selection process will undergo an entrepreneurship selection criteria, and weighting will be scored based on the different classification of the type of business (new and existing), assessing the available capital investment, business ownership and sex of owners, technical production skills available, availability of business and financial plans, employment capacity, marketing coverage and methods, packaging, sales, environmental plans, willingness to access business financing, and availability of support from other (Non-financial) institutions.